What is Lookup?

Lookup is simply collection of customer's own data for product,delivery location and customer trading partners which is supported by HubBroker.
There are mainly 2 modules for lookup:
- New Lookup
- My Lookups
Below provides all the details related to lookup.
- User can make new lookup according to different lookup types
- User can provide lookup title,description and select lookup type
- User can manage active / inactive status of lookup
You can create new mapping in below ways:
Navigation in left menu bar -> 'New Lookup'

Navigation in left menu bar -> 'My Lookups' -> Click on plus button '+ New Lookup'

HubBroker iPaaS provides 3 types of lookup.
- Product Lookup - Collection of products data
- Delivery Location Lookup - Collection of delivery locations data
- Customer/Trading Partner Lookup - Collection of customers/trading partners data
iPaaS provides facility to restrict the use of lookup from other users by providing ’Sharing & Security’ module while creating new lookup
Learn more about sharing and security - Click here
- User can view all the lookup created by that users.
- User can filter data according to search criteria like title, lookup types.
- User can edit and delete the lookup.
- User can export all the data in excel and XML format.

Category: Lookup & Validation
Last date of update: 10.10.2019