iPaaS 5.6.4 Release Note

Updated by Ruchita Chavda

Shopify Integration

  • Upgraded, the REST Admin API endpoints for `/products` and `/variants` have been deprecated in all versions.

IPaaS Improvement


  • An enhancement has been made for Colour Ceramica customers who want to see customized changes for email notifications.
  • Increase the year range in the dropdown to include years up to 2050 in iPass for the billable overview module.

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed an issue in the Editor, where the date at the line delivery level was in an incorrect format.
  • Fixed an issue for the Filtration Rule Setting, which was not working as expected during the processing of orders.
  • Fixed an issue for the PDF 3.0 Editor Issue. The PDF base64 string and PDF file name are now successfully transferred when the document is processed through the editor.
  • Fixed an issue for the 404 Error that was occurring when clicking the Change History button after creating a new adaptor in iPaaS.
  • Fixed an issue for a synchronization rule not working in Shopify order integration for "Create New Product in Microsoft Dynamics 365"
  • Fixed an issue for adding appropriate validations to the 'ID' fields in the economic Export App.

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