Boost EDI

HubBroker has exchange for more than 50000 different Danish and foreign endpoints.
HubBroker has developed an internal mapping format that covers data format exchange for all endpoints at NemHandel, PEPPOL, DIFI and the largest companies in Denmark and Europe.
From our integration platform, you can easily explore your trading partners and see how and how our integration platform supports the exchange of documents and data digitally with your trading partners.
This saves you a lot of time and money, as well as getting a closer digital connection with your trading partners.HubBroker has access to a comprehensive EDI network through VANS collaboration.
HubBroker offers an easy-to-use solution that is developed and maintained by a highly technical team that has the expertise to ensure that all format requirements as well as business requirements are met and that customer needs are met quickly and easily.
Our comprehensive catalog of trade standards and formats enables us to choose the best possible combination for each company and implement it effectively through our platform in the cloud.