iPaaS 5.5.0 Release Notes

Updated by Ruchita Chavda

IPaaS Performance


  • Backend performance improvement to filter ticket data in the 'All Tickets' module within 10 seconds using date filtration.
  • Backend performance improvement to load my adaptors list in 10 seconds.
  • Review all columns against the datatype and replace them with the appropriate datatype to reduce unnecessary storage.

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed a bug where the page became unresponsive when selecting 'All' in the Assigned Agent dropdown.
  • Fixed a performance issue in the adaptor listing, where clicking on table view took more than 1 minute to load data.

Rackbeat Integration

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed a bug in Production where the system message did not appear in the email notification.
  • Fixed a bug where document tickets failed with no file attached. The system message displayed "Could not get Document Type," and no failure entry appeared in the dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug where the account connection email was not sent.

Shopify Integration

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed a bug where the webshop account was not connecting using the email link sent.
  • Fixed a bug in the Shopify app where the quantity in the file and the quantity in the adaptor dashboard were different during product sync.

Uniconta Integration

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed a bug where the description was missing from exported invoices/credit notes as requested by the customer.
  • Fixed an issue where the Uniconta HubApp did not allow sending zero-amount invoices from the Export App, despite the customer's request.

IPaaS Improvement


  • Feature to display the document type in all the export apps history dashboards for Users.
  • Feature to attach input/output files when generating tickets from all export apps for Users.
  • Feature to include the ShipTo No in the invoices (taking from import order) in Economic & Uniconta HubApp.
  • Feature to remove unwanted (extra) lines in the output HUBXML file for all HubApps.
  • Feature to ensure the invoice lines are in the same order as the input PDF when the output HUBXML is generated.
  • Feature to add the order reference ID and comments when exporting from OpenCart.

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed a bug where the "Edit and resend the file yourself" link failed to open when clicked.
  • Fixed an issue where a 404 Error occurs when the user verifies the account on production.
  • Fixed an issue where the Action button popup does not hide after selection.
  • Fixed an issue where source sorting is not working in the My Adaptors list.
  • Fixed an issue where filling the Hours in another format results in a 404 page not found error.
  • Fixed an issue in OpenCart where the same order is exported 5 times in production.
  • Fixed an issue across all the Hubapps where an order is imported with a negative quantity.
  • Fixed an issue where a new ticket is created without selecting the users and other fields in the ticket module.
  • Fixed an issue in the Ticket Module where “Click here to attach from link” should be valid while replying to the customer.


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