Solutions with HubBroker iPaaS

HubBroker has developed solutions that help to:

  1. Converting data-generated PDF files to EDI (edifact, XML, csv, etc.) files
  2. Data integration for exporting data from e-conomic, uniconta, billy, opencart, shopify etc.
  3. Data integration for importing data into e-conomic, uniconta, billy, opencart, shopify etc.
  4. HUB EDI invoice and order
  5. Data mask and synchronization of product master data
  6. Integration to GS1 data pool
  7. Automatic cancellation of past due invoices
  8. Receipt of electronic invoice with PO validation and price validation
  9. Predefined transformations

HubBroker offers, in addition to standardized solutions and customized solutions as needed

PDF2XML                      Boost EDI                Automatic Invoice Reminder

Pre-configured Adaptor              API Integration Solutions

Category: Solutions with HubBroker iPaaS
Last date of update:

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