Solutions with HubBroker iPaaS

HubBroker has developed solutions that help to:
- Converting data-generated PDF files to EDI (edifact, XML, csv, etc.) files
- Data integration for exporting data from e-conomic, uniconta, billy, opencart, shopify etc.
- Data integration for importing data into e-conomic, uniconta, billy, opencart, shopify etc.
- HUB EDI invoice and order
- Data mask and synchronization of product master data
- Integration to GS1 data pool
- Automatic cancellation of past due invoices
- Receipt of electronic invoice with PO validation and price validation
- Predefined transformations
HubBroker offers, in addition to standardized solutions and customized solutions as needed
PDF2XML Boost EDI Automatic Invoice Reminder
Pre-configured Adaptor API Integration Solutions
Category: Solutions with HubBroker iPaaS
Last date of update: 28.09.2018