iPaaS 5.4.9 Release Notes

Updated by Ruchita Chavda

iPaaS Performance


  • Improved advanced search functionality to filter data by date within 10 seconds.

Pre-Configured Mapping

New Feature

  • Feature to read EDIFACT files in X12 850, 855, and 810 formats for Users.

IPaaS Improvement


  • Feature to know inner technical messages if any transaction failed by API issue or due to any exception.
  • Feature to filter data by Day in the ticket overview module.
  • Feature to get a total as a last row for the ticket overview module
  • Feature to add a new column as creditnote and Purchase Order in ticket overview module
  • Feature to get an overview of creditnote and purchase orders while filter ticket details
  • Feature to see a ticket overview data by ticket categories
  • Enhancement for the Schema of HUBXML AdditionalDocumentRefereance for Base64.
  • Enhancement of a SBDH document for incoming and outgoing files to Peppol.


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