- If user wants to convert xml document to another xml document using XSLT, then user can select mapping type as ’XSLT : XML to XML’
- User needs to give name and description for mapping and need to upload XSLT file, so that user can use this mapping for XML to XML conversion
- For this mapping type mapping status will be Released
- If user wants to share the mapping to all the users then user has to select ’All Users’ option in sharing and if user allows to change the mapping from other users then user has to select ’No’ in lock mapping
- If ’Yes’ option is selected then other users will not be able to change the mapping settings, they can only view and use the mapping

- When user clicks on Save & Next it will open the uploaded XSLT file and user can edit and save the files in this screen

Category: Mapping
Last date of update: 13.09.2018