EDI Glossary : F

File: A collection of related records treated as a basic unit of storage in a computer system.

File, flat: A computer file where all the information is run together in a single character string.

File Structure: The format into which a file is arranged by the computer, so that the information it contains can be retrieved on demand.

FIN: The SWIFT FIN is a message transfer based store and forward system. FIN is the main messaging mechanism used today on SWIFTNet and is used by corporates for liquidity and risk management purposes

FTP: File Transfer Protocol. A standard method of transmitting files from one computer to another over the internet.

Functional Acknowledgement: A transaction set transmitted by the receiver of an EDI transmission to the sender, indicating the receipt and syntactical acceptability of a message. It does not provide acknowledgement of the content of the message, just that the message has been successfully received and interpreted.Often abbreviated and referred to as “FA”.

Functional Group: A collection of related transaction sets. Beginning (GS) and ending (GE) segments are used to envelop a complete functional group.

Functional Group Segments (GS/GE): These segments identify a specific functional group of documents such as purchase orders.

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