EDI Glossary : B
BAI: A Financial Services Group responsible for defining the Cash Management Balance Reporting Specifications. BAI1 and subsequently BAI2 were defined as the basis for agreement between a bank and its corporate customer on how data from the bank’s account processing software would be communicated to the customer’s account processing software.
Bar Code: An array of’ rectangular marks and spaces in a predetermined pattern. Usually used for automatic product or shipment identification.
Batch Control Totals: Ensures that batch processing has been performed correctly by comparing output to currency or quantity totals, record or document counts, or hash totals.
Batch Processing: The processing of computer information after it has accumulated in one group or batch.
Baud: The rate at which the signal changes when data is transmitted. It is often the same as the number of bits per second.
Bill of Lading: A document that is used by a vendor and a freight carrier that describes the freight classification of the goods being shipped by the vendor.
Binary: A system of numerical notation in which only the values of 0 and 1 are used.
Bisynchronous: A communication protocol whereby messages are sent as blocks of characters. The blocks of data are checked for completeness and accuracy by the receiving computer.
Business Document: A set of information components that are interchanged as part of a business activity.
Business Partner: The entity with which EDI business documents are exchanged. This may be either the sender or the receiver of information in EDI.
Business Partner Agreement: In RosettaNet, Business Partner Agreements contain the general contract terms and conditions, participant roles (buyers, sellers), communication and security protocols, and business processes (valid actions, sequencing rules, etc.). Extensible Markup Language-based Business Partner Agreement documents capture the essential information upon which business partners must agree in order for their applications and business processes to communicate.
Business Process: A set of related activities that, when correctly performed, will satisfy an explicit business goal.
Business Process Modelling: Also called ‘as is’ modelling, a component of the RosettaNet concept development used to identify the elements of a business process and create a clearly defined model of business partner interfaces as they exist today.
Business to Business (B2B): The practice of buying and selling between companies through the use of electronic transactions.
Business to Business (B2B) Integration: The secured coordination of business information among companies and their information.