EDI Glossary : P
Paperwork: The documents that have been traditionally used to convey information in a business transaction.
Payment Terms: Also called Terms of Sale. Refers to the agreement of payment of invoice between supply-side business partner and demand-side business partner, e.g., Net 30 indicates that the invoice is to be paid within 30 days.
PIDX: XML document schema used in the Energy industry.
Pilot: The process of testing a part of the final system as a gauge to determine the viability of a concept prior to implementing the system for full production.
Pilot Project: A project conducted between two or more EDI business partners to test the viability of a proposed EDI System.
PIP: Partner Interface Processes. RosettaNet PIPs define business processes between business partners via XML-based dialogs.
PIP Blueprint: A business model that specifies how Partner Roles (buyer, seller, assembler, catalogue publisher, etc.) interactively perform interface activities that collaboratively achieve a business objective. The PIP Blueprint document includes narrative and diagrams.
PIP Choreography: The exchange sequence of Partner Interface Process messages specified using Business Process Specification Schema.
PIP Design and Development Process: A structured process that describes the work and steps required to create a PIP Specification based upon requirements as detailed in the Specification Requirement Document.
PIP in Production: Two business partners using a RosettaNet Partner Interface Process as the business process interface for a live transaction (not in pilot or testing).
PIP Interchange Model: The structure of the exchanged information between business partners in a specific context; content structure described using either Unified Modelling Language or Extensible Markup Language schemas.
PIP Protocols: Technical interface diagrams that visually describe and define the PIP Blueprint.
PIP Specification: Detailed document that provides a definitive description of a system for the purpose of developing or validating the system
Platform: The type of computer system being used.
Point-to-Point: Refers to a type of communication whereby messages are sent directly from one business partner to another without the use of a VAN.
Proprietary Standard: An industry/company-specific data format developed by a company for transmission of data to and from its business partners. Proprietary formats do not comply with the ASC X12 series of standards.
Proprietary Ordering System: An industry company-specific system that allows a supplier to provide order entry capabilities to its customers.
Protocol: Communication standards that determine message content and format, enabling uniformity of transmissions.
Protocol Conversion: The process of enabling two systems with different protocols to communicate.
Purchase Order: A document issued by a buyer to a seller that details the terms of sale under which the buyer will purchase the seller’s goods.
Purchase Order Acknowledgment: Confirmation to the buyer that the supplier will be filling the purchase order as requested.